my memories of my Aunt Andrea. from Dawn her niece

Created by Dawn 3 years ago

When I was born Andrea was 9 years old. I was told by my Mum Marlene and my dad John, Andrea's eldest brother, that she liked to pop over so that she could come and give me a cuddle. My mum always made a fuss of Andrea. I remember going round to see my nan and grandad who lived in Ilford on Sundays with mum and dad, when Andrea still lived at home. She would pop down stairs and say come up Dawn and she would talk about make up and what new things she had bought, and about her work. I know Andrea worked at Bodgers in Ilford for a while, me and my mum would pop in there sometimes and we would see if we could see her so I could wave to her.

When Andrea was going to get married to Alan, Andrea asked me on a sunday visit if I would be her bridesmaid, and of course I was delighted. Andrea made arrangements to take me out to get a bridesmaids dress, she wanted to get some new makeup and some other things for her big day. We went for lunch and I remember she bought me pancakes with bananas chocolate with cream on top.  To this day, I still have my pancakes with bananas chocolate with cream on top....happy memories..RIP Andrea.

Love Dawn.....xxxx